Monday, August 15, 2011

The not so entertaining days

And once home from the wonderment that was Ireland life settled into a very boring day-to-day.

When I returned to work I was immediately thrown into a fire that was one of our clients. They were unhappy with how ISSI was handling them as a client and was demanding a long list of changes. Which lead to me being told less than 5 minutes back that I would be going to Canada the next Monday.

The week toiled on with me sitting behind a computer - but yet making lists and lists on paper until it was time to travel.

The journey to Canada could not have been more complicated. When we got to the airport, lovely PHL had no air conditioning turned on in the middle of the July. Then after the long trek to our gate we found out the flight had been canceled. My supervisor and co-worker were safely booked onto the next flight, I was on standby.

After a few hours in a Chickies and Petes we headed over to the gate and miracle of miracles I made it on.

 Then at customs I was grilled... but my coworker was grilled far worse. Surprise #2, mine and my supervisor's bags were missing. Thankfully, they made it there around 4am the next day. The trip was a blur of notes and requests.

In fact, the next three weeks were a blur and half.

And then I left the company...

But more tomorrow because the next stuff is to much fun to put in such a boring update blog post!

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